Seattle, WA - August, 2001
Six of us spent a long weekend in Seattle, with the NGPA
meeting there a pretext for the trip. Jason and I, Paul and
Ryan, and Mark and Don made the trip in Mark's Conquest.

The trip was a blast! With half of us being
pilots or pilots-to-be, we of course had to actually attend the
meeting and check out the Aviation museum there.
Here are some shots from the museum. One of
their star exhibits was an SR-71 Blackbird.

After wrapping up the aviation-related stuff, we
hit the town. Some of the stops included the Pike Street
Market, where we got some honeycomb, smoked salmon, and other
things. Don bought a gargoyle from another part of the city.
On Saturday night after dinner, we hit the clubs, where Jason had
particularly good results with multiple Tokyo Teas.
All in all, the trip was a blast. Can't
wait to go back!