Milan was home base for the trip. We stayed at the home of Nicolo's father, Marco. We visited several of the best restaurants in Milan; especially memorable was Il Porto - a seafood restaurant built in a gatehouse of the old city wall. We also visited numerous museums, churches and cathedrals, and other landmarks such as Il Duomo, the Galleria, the Castle, Brera and others.
The two pictures below are Il Duomo - The Dome. This enormous cathedral took about 500 years to build. The size is awe-inspiring, as is the detailed workmanship.
There was a big soccer match being played in Milan soon after we arrived. It was the Spaniards vs. the Germans and people came from all over Europe to watch. They got a bit rowdy and the riot police were called in. The fans congregated in the square in front of the Duomo and the Galleria (first picture).
Here are a couple of random street shots. In the first one, the castle of Milan can be seen in the background.
